Privacy Policy


(hereinafter referred to as “tripla”) is deeply aware that the personal information of our customers and other parties obtained through our business activities is important information that constitutes privacy. In order to respect our customers through the appropriate handling of personal information, and to live up to their expectations and trust in us, we comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act on the Protection of Personal Information), other related laws, industry regulations, social norms, and public order and morals, and safely manage the personal information of all persons related to our company, The following is our privacy policy regarding the handling of personal information.




  1. Personal information” means “personal information” as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003, hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Information Protection Act”). Personal information” means information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, or other description, etc., or that contains a personal identification code, as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003, hereinafter referred to as the “Act”).
  2. We will acquire, use, and provide personal information in an appropriate manner, taking into consideration the nature and scale of our business. We will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purposes of use, and will take measures to ensure that personal information is not used for purposes other than those specified.
  3. We will not provide personal information to third parties except with the consent of the person concerned or when required by law (including, but not limited to, when responding to inquiries from law enforcement agencies such as the police and prosecutors (Article 197, Paragraph 2 of the Criminal Procedure Law)). ), we will not provide personal information to any third party. The following cases do not fall under the definition of “providing personal information to a third party.

(1) When we outsource all or part of the handling of personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use of personal information as set forth in “Handling of Personal Information by Our Company”.

(2) Cases in which personal information is provided as a result of the succession of business due to merger or other reasons

(3) In cases where personal information is used jointly with a specific person, and where this fact, the items of personal information jointly used, the scope of joint use, the purpose of use by the person using the information, and the name of the person responsible for the management of the personal information are notified to the person in advance or are made readily available to the person in question The items of personal information to be used to that effect and jointly

  1. We may disclose or provide personal information to third parties in foreign countries after entrusting the handling of personal information to them, as described below. For more information on the personal information protection system in the United States, please refer to the “Survey of Systems for the Protection of Personal Information in Foreign Countries” by the Personal Information Protection Commission.


Third parties to be provided

Twilio Inc.

[Claire] Purpose.

To send e-mails using “SendGrid” provided by the company

[Measures to protect personal information

The company’s measures to protect personal information are set forth in the company’s Privacy Policy The company’s measures to protect personal information can be confirmed from the company’s Privacy Policy. The company is certified under the international privacy protection standard (ISO/IEC 27018).

  1. We will comply with laws, national guidelines, and other norms regarding the handling of personal information, and will establish and appropriately operate a personal information protection management system in accordance with the Japanese Industrial Standard “Personal Information Protection Management Systems – Requirements” (JIS Q 15001).
  2. We will take measures to prevent and correct the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information.
  3. In the event that we outsource all or part of the handling of personal information, we will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the outsourced party to ensure the safe management of the outsourced personal information.
  4. We will strive to respond appropriately and promptly to complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information. We will also accept requests for disclosure, etc. (notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion of content, suspension of use, deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties) of personal information subject to disclosure held by us.
  5. Upon receiving a request for disclosure, etc. as described in the preceding paragraph, we will conduct the necessary investigation without delay, and if we determine that there is a reason for the request as described in the preceding paragraph, we will cease use of the relevant personal information. However, in cases where the suspension of use of personal information requires a large amount of expense or it is otherwise difficult to suspend the use of personal information, and alternative measures can be taken to protect the rights and interests of the user, these alternative measures will be taken.
  6. We will continuously improve our personal information protection management system.
  7. We will take necessary and appropriate measures to ensure that personal information entrusted to us by users will not be subject to unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, leakage, etc. of personal information by implementing organizational, physical, personnel, and technical measures, such as limiting access to personal information files, recording access logs, and implementing security measures to prevent unauthorized access from outside the Company. We will take necessary and appropriate measures for the safe management of personal information.
  8. The Company’s address and the name of its representative are as follows


Sumitomo Fudosan Nishi-Shinjuku Bldg. 3F, 4-15-3 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

tripla Co.,Ltd

CEO Kazuhisa Takahashi

CTO Kaku Toriu


Adopted:June 15, 2017
Revised:July 16, 2019



Handling of personal information in our company


  1. Purpose of use of personal information handled by the Company


  • Personal information that we obtain directly from the individual


1) Personal information of the person in charge of our clients
・To contact them regarding proposals and contracts
・To respond to various inquiries


(2) Personal information of seminar/exhibition participants
・Various communications regarding seminars we hold or participate in
・To provide information on participants to joint organizers
・To propose related services


(iii) Personal information of shareholders
・To exercise rights and fulfill obligations under the Companies Act and the Commercial Code
・For shareholder management, including the preparation of shareholder data according to prescribed standards in accordance with various laws and regulations


Personal information of those who wish to join our company
・Providing information on recruitment and job openings
・Recruitment selection and notification of acceptance or rejection


Personal information of our employees
– For business communication, preparation of employee lists, various procedures required by law (including after retirement), and other
– For employment management
– For personnel selection and determination of assignment
– For salary payment, tax processing, social insurance-related procedures, and provision of benefits
– For safety management measures
– For our PR or advertising materials, etc.Tomaintain and manage your mental and physical health
⑥Personal information of those who contact us
・To improve our customer service attitude, etc.
・To accurately understand and handle inquiries and communications


(vii) Specified personal information, etc.
・To properly carry out withholding tax and payment record preparation work, health insurance and welfare pension insurance notification work, and employment insurance notification work in accordance with laws and regulations


  • Personal information other than the above


(1) Personal information entered in services provided by the Company (AI chatbots, reservation engines, etc.) and other cookies, web beacons, etc. obtained by the Company in connection with these services
・For maintenance and operation of services and systems based on contracts
・For restoration or provision of alternative services due to system trouble
To reply to inquiries

For analysis, statistical processing, and machine learning for the purpose of improving our systems, marketing, and other service levels


(2) Personal information obtained directly/indirectly based on other contracted services
・Providing services based on contracts and executing business


(2) Dissemination of information regarding retained personal data or records of provision to a third party


We will respond to requests from the person or his/her representative for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion of content, suspension or elimination of use, suspension of provision to a third party, and disclosure of records of provision to a third party.

Matters concerning retained personal data or records of provision to third parties are as follows


(1) Name and address of the Company and name of its representative

tripla Co., Ltd.


Sumitomo Fudosan Nishi-Shinjuku Bldg. 3F, 4-15-3 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

Kazuhisa Takahashi, Representative Director and CEO

Representative Director and CTO Kaku Toriu


(2) Personal Information Protection Manager

Director and CFO (contact information is below [Personal Information Complaints and Consultation Desk])


(3) Purpose of use of all retained personal data

Please refer to the personal information and purpose of use described in 1 (1) above.


(4) Contact for complaints regarding handling of retained personal data

Personal Information Complaints and Consultation Desk” (listed at the end of this document)


(5) Procedures for responding to requests for disclosure, etc.



(1) Contact for requests for disclosure, etc.: “Personal Information Complaints and Consultation Desk” (listed at the end of this document)

(ii) Forms of documents to be submitted in making a request for disclosure, etc. and other methods of making a request for disclosure, etc.

Please send the following by mail or courier service to our “Personal Information Complaints and Inquiries Desk”. We will respond promptly and without delay. We do not accept requests for disclosure by any means other than mail or courier service (e.g., in person, by e-mail, fax, etc.).



  1. a) “Application Form for Request for Disclosure, etc.” designated by the Company


  1. b) Identification documents


1) In case of application by the applicant himself/herself
・Public identification (copy) of the applicant


2) For applications by proxy
All of the following documents that apply.


(1) Documents confirming authority of representation


  1. Legal representative
    Family register and other documents proving his/her eligibility


  1. Voluntary agent (all of the following)
    letter of attorney designated by the Company*The letter must be stamped with the seal of the person whose seal is registered with
    ・Certificate of seal registration of the principal


(2) Documents verifying the identity of the agent
・Official certificate of the agent (copy)


(3) Identification documents of the person
・Official certificate of the person (copy)


*Official certificatesrefer to
a or b below
a. One driver’s license, driving record certificate, passport, personal identification number card (only the side showing name and photo), physical disability certificate, mental disability certificate, medical care booklet, residence card, special permanent resident certificate
b. Two or more of the following documents
certificate of coverage of public medical insurance, copy of resident card, certificate of matters stated in resident card certificate of matters stated in the resident card, pension notebook, certificate of coverage of medical care for the elderly or nursing care insurance, certificate of membership in the National Public Service Mutual Aid Association or Local Public Service Mutual Aid Association, certificate of membership in the Private School Teachers’ Mutual Aid System, child support allowance certificate, special child support allowance certificate


The identification documents you provide will be used as follows.
Please send the documents only if you agree to the terms of
Personal information will be used to respond to requests for disclosure, etc., from the person in question
Please make sure that any personal information that is not required for identification is illegible by blacking it out or other means.
Except as required by law, this personal information will not be provided to any third party without the consent of the individual concerned We do not plan to outsource the handling of this personal information.
We will not provide personal information to any third party without the consent of the individual, except as required by law.


Please enclose a postal money order for 1,000 yen per request for “Notification of purpose of use” or “Disclosure
If the fee is not enclosed as described above, we will contact you to that effect, but if payment is not made within the prescribed period, we will assume that no request for disclosure has been made. In principle, the documents sent will not be returned.



We are not responsible for documents lost in the mail or during delivery, or not received due to accident.

Please fill out all required information. Incomplete documents may be returned.

Please note that we may not be able to respond to requests for disclosure, etc. in some cases, such as when there are exceptions to the Personal Information Protection Law.

Please note that it may take some time for us to reply depending on the content of your inquiry.

Personal information collected in connection with a request for disclosure, etc., shall be handled only to the extent necessary for the request for disclosure, etc. The submitted documents will be properly disposed of by the Company.

Please be aware that you may not be able to use the relevant services as a result of “Correction, etc.” or “Suspension of Use, etc.”. Please understand this in advance.


(5) Measures taken for the secure management of retained personal data

We take necessary and reasonable measures to ensure the safe management of personal data in our possession.

(1) Establishment of basic policy

To ensure the proper handling of personal data, we have established a personal information protection policy and are working to protect personal information throughout the company.

(2) Discipline on handling of personal data

Based on our personal information protection management system, we have established basic handling procedures for the overall handling of personal data, and have ensured that all employees throughout the company are familiar with these procedures.

(iii) Organizational safety control measures

We regularly inspect that personal data is being handled properly in accordance with internal rules established by the Company.

A reporting and communication system is in place from the employee to the responsible person.

(4) Personal safety control measures

Regular training is provided to employees on the handling of personal data.

Non-disclosure agreements for business information, including personal data, are exchanged with employees, and the penalties for violations are stipulated in internal regulations and made known to all employees.

(5) Physical safety control measures

The Company ensures that personal data cannot be easily accessed by anyone other than employees who are authorized to handle personal data and the individual to whom the data pertains.

Access restrictions and locking controls are in place to prevent the theft or loss of information equipment, electronic media, and documents that handle personal data.

When carrying such equipment, electronic media, etc., including movement within the business premises, the employees are instructed to carry them at all times so that their personal data will not be easily revealed.

(6) Technical safety control measures

Clarifying the equipment that can handle personal data and the employees who handle such equipment to prevent unwanted access to personal data.

We have implemented mechanisms to protect equipment that handles personal data from unauthorized external access or unauthorized software.

(7) Understanding the external environment

In principle, we do not transfer personal information, including retained personal data, outside of Japan.

If out-of-country transfer is required, we will provide the necessary information, etc. to the individual in advance.


Personal Information Complaint and Consultation Desk

Director and CFO, tripla Co.,Ltd.



Sumitomo Fudosan Nishi-Shinjuku Bldg. 3F, 4-15-3 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
